Sunday, November 27, 2022

a boat someone might want to take a look at...

 One of my favorite CAL Lapworth designs is the CAL T2-27 one of the CAL 27 variations.

I've written about the design before.

Anyway, I mention this because there's a T2 for sale that I've been keeping my eye on and the price just went from 1.5K  to $1000.

Well worth a look if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Swimming against the stream...

Back in the dark ages, when I was living on a CAL 20, I went to a lecture by Herman Daly who really blew my mind with his thoughts on economic growth. Sadly. he passed away recently.

I mention this here because his take on economics has a whole lot to do with my thoughts on living within a finite resource envelope, growth for growth's sake, and the process of swimming against the prevailing current.

I'm pretty sure that if I had not found myself in a economics lecture all those years ago I'd be going along with the great unwashed hordes thinking that one can buy one's own slice of happiness by spending more for a bigger boat. Which makes Daly one of my major influences in terms of boat mindset.

I'd seriously check out some of his books and lectures if you have the chance.